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Why you should create an email list

You may have heard people talking about email lists opt-in incentives and have wondered whether it’s something to do within your business.

Creating an email list for your business and why it’s an important thing to do.

Your email list is going to give you a way of engaging with and following up with all of the people who are interested in what you do or sell. It’s a great way for you to create a relationship with the people who are signed up to your website, who like what you do and who could potentially be a buyer of your product.

If you have a list of potential client or clients you have worked with before, by having their emails you havea way of contacting them. This can be great for when you have a brand new collection that you’d like to show, a new product or you’re having a sale.

An email list will allow you to contact people with specials, promotions, events and anything new that you have got coming up as well.


Am email list is also a really great way of engaging with people who like what you do which can help with conversions or sales of your products  because people can get to know who you are, and develop a relationship with you. If they’ve signed up to your email list then they like what you do or contact with you in some way.

Now, the difference between having an email list and your social media following is that if at anytime Facebook or Instagram decides to change their algorithm, then it can work really affect who sees what you’re actually posting . Or if for some reason they decided at any point that you were going to have to pay for your followers or change their rules, you would have no control and would have to go by their rules.

Whereas with your email list, you are able to contact your list when you want, how you want and on your own terms

So it’s a really great way for people to get to know, like, and trust, you and know about the the products or services that you supply. An emails list is defnitely something that’s worth building and the sooner you can started, the better it is for you in the long run.


Once you’ve created your website, I recommend spending the time to create an opt-in incentive. That is a way for people to sign up to your mailing list.  The best way to do that is to offer them something that they would like e.g.  a discount on their next purchase if you sell products, it could be a free downloadable or you good away some free information.

When someone signs up to your opt-in incentive, you will then have a way of contacting them. It’s really important to also nurture the people that are really interested in what you’re doing and let them know of anything that you’ve got coming up and also let them know a little bit more about you so they can connect with you further. It’s a really great way of  being able to build engagement and having aconnection with people who are interested in your work.

So I highly recommend creating an opt-in incentive to your webstie and building your email list.


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